Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday

This week I am so exited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. This has been an pretty interesting week and I can't wait to share with your some of the most eventful pictures! 

This picture completely sums up what summer has been like in Kentucky this year. We've finally had three days in a row with no rain, and this hasn't happened since sometime in June. I'm sick and tired of rain, bring on the sunshine! 

After all of that rain had my dog, Ruger, turned into a completely different color. He LOVES to play outside and apparently loves to play in the mud too. The after picture does no justice to how muddy and brown he was...but at least he had fun! 

I have been in back to school mode, full swing. I've worked in my classroom a few days and its starting to come along, pictures of that to come soon.  With back to school mode also comes laminating, which I HATE. But I do LOVE these two new products that I purchased. The Reading Comprehension and Skills Posters came from Amy Groesbeck and I can't wait to get them up in my classroom. The Grammar Wall Bulletin Board, which I am SUPER excited about, came from Learning in Wonderland. 
This week I had the opportunity to work with the other 5th grade teachers on our Science curriculum maps. With the Next Generation Science Standards there was a lot of work to be done and it is so great to collaborate to get the work done. While at this district meeting one of the 7th grade science teacher brought her class pet, a squirrel. Apparently she rescued this squirrel when it was a baby so its super clam and walks with a limp. It was pretty neat to see a squirrel up close and personal, but not the pet choice for me! 

My blog launch giveaway ends tomorrow at 12:00 am! Make sure to enter here and check out the awesome teachers that I teamed up with to get this giveaway going. Check back on Sunday to hear who is the winner of these two amazing prizes! 


  1. I think I would have freaked out about that squirrel joining our curriculum planning! And your pooch is super cute- even if he is muddy!
    Mrs. Reed's Resource Room

    1. I really just couldn't figure out how I felt about the squirrel! It was so odd!

  2. I'm a fellow Kentuckian and I agree TOO MUCH RAIN!!! :-) Love your blog.

    1. Thank you! I feel like everything I've done to do this summer has been cancelled because of the rain. No fun!

  3. Hi! I found your blog through the Five for Friday linky! Your dog is too cute! And recently here in Oklahoma we had rain that seemed to last forever, but now it is long gone and now our temps are almost 100 daily! Ugh! I'll check out your giveaway right now!

    Life As I Know It

    1. Wow! I don't think I could handle the heat! Good luck on the giveway!
